For the past couple of months I have found myself stomping around my office and pouting to myself (yes, I pout to myself sometimes) about why I just don't have the luxury of hiring a professional design company to snazz up my company's image. I want to be branded.To the oh-so incredibly fabulous graphic designer: BRAND ME! I've come to realize that my pouting and the batting of my eyelashes is not going to get me anywhere. And trust me, I've tried these techniques with my husband plenty of times. I'll bat my eyelashes and even when I'm desperate, resort to my "baby" voice to get my way. However, in the realm of business I don't think pulling the "cute baby pout" thing works as effectively. Therefore, I took it upon myself to brand myself. I mean who better to brand my company then me right? Oh yes, branding is becoming one of my many forte's everyone.
Little by little I'll be snazzin' everything up. Including my videos. I know, how can I NOT have my videos up still? I'm working on it! Hope you like the new and improved look! ROCK MY BLOG by checking what I'm up to.

1 comment:
Oh Britty... you are just so ever creative... wanna do a web design for my clas?!? I know you wanna!!!!!
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